Jasper's Home Planet


My name is JASPER and I'm 22 years old.

17 Jan '24

First Post! I'm currently writing this as I learn the ropes of html and CSS! It was a late night discovery of an archive of Kate's (Jinx, my aunt) blog / website from the early 2000's that inspired this. Eagerly making my way through page after page, entry after entry between the hours of 11 pm and 3:30 am last night I have gained a newfound appreciation for the medium, and hope to start this as a spiritual successor of sorts - though from what I gathered reading her posts, she had an audience, I can't say I'll garner the same reactions from my posts - if not for the fact that this medium of social media has all but died out.

Currently I am 22 years of age, 23 in august, roughly the same age Kate was at the time of her first post (at least the first one archived on the wayback machine) which is honestly crazy to me, her vocabulary, eloquence, and writing style has obviously always been phenomenal, I was impressed with the short stories I found of which she had written at 19. She really seemed like such a well put together 21 year old, much more than I was, or am right now as I write this, she has (through these posts of which I read) evidently always had passion, for music, for design, for film, and this has carried her through her life, to where she is now, In Melbourne, directing the programming for MIFF! I need to sort my shit out! At least, thank christ, I'm somewhat on a path, I don't know if it is the path, but a path nonetheless. Just this past week I got into UTS! Pretty exciting hey, only took me 4 years between high school and now, but it worked out. I start in just about a month now, so I've got a little bit of sorting things out to do, I have aquired a brand spanking new macbook pro (very flash, I know), of which I'm typing on right now and have just enrolled in my subjects.

Alright, well I should probably hop off, as fun as this is, I have a breakfast with Amy (Hilliard) tomorrow morning and need to be in my best shape to devour pancakes and down coffee.

Ciao for now!

Currently listening - The Sea, D.R. Hooker (Kate's Shroomin' and Zoomin' playlist)